San Diego Summarized | 3-12-18 — The San Diego Chronicle


noun: chronicle

1. a factual written account of important or historical events in the order of their occurrence.

San Diego Summarized | 3-12-18

Welcome to San Diego Summarized where each week we examine headlines from around the city:

First up this week we take a look at the fallout from the City Attorney's legal analysis of the SDSU West Citizen's Initiative. Proponents of the SoccerCity SD group as well as the No On SoccerCity Coalition traded time slots on local television this past week to extol the virtues of their respective efforts.

Most notably in the No On SoccerCity group's message was the lack of a specific alternative plan. The group's representatives, Laura Fink and Joe LaCava, seemed more concerned with describing the SoccerCity proposal as a "bad deal" and characterizing the proponents in a generally derogatory manner, than they were with offering some form of actionable or  constructive alternative.

Fink in particular issued strong words, calling the project rife with "falsehoods and false promises," citing the $83 million dollar Fair Market Value that SoccerCity has agreed to pay as a "limited price point."

Limited by what standard though? The only other potential project lined up for Mission Valley at present is the SDSU West initiative, which according to the City Attorney, has no binding guarantee outside of the fact that the city loses control of the site. As soon as that sale occurs, the entire control for the city of its most prized real estate asset is moved from San Diego to Sacramento. There is no dollar amount that SDSU West has committed to publicly so far, and yet the opponents of the SoccerCity initiative claim that $83 million is limited?

Nick Stone and Shannon Mac Millan from FS Investors followed the performance from Fink and LaCava with a well-reasoned response.

"It's a good thing this show is called Politically Speaking and not Factually Speaking," opened Stone.

He then went on to systematically debunk the claims made by the Naysayers. The calm and measured response by Stone and Mac Millan, who herself is an Olympic Gold Medalist and World Cup Champion, go a long way towards exemplifying the difference between supporters of the two rival projects.

One side slanders and throws up derisive and divisive language, while the other offers a comprehensive and actionable plan to move Mission Valley into the future, all without any public financing.

Who do you want shaping the future of San Diego? Leave a comment below and continue the conversation.

Meanwhile, the Voice of San Diego's weekly Politics Report has a comprehensive round up of the rest of the city's political affairs of the times. This week's issue highlights fractious relations in one of San Diego's most high-profile labor unions, squabbles between lobbying groups and District Attorney hopefuls and an update to the resume of Mike Hansen - who can now add Planning Director to a CV that includes mayor Kevin Faulconer as an employer.

Do you have an opinion on local politics? Leave a comment and continue the conversation.

Lastly, the city of San Diego can expect more wet weather this week as storm wardens predict an additional 1-1.5 inches of water falling across the coastal and inland areas. According to the San Diego International Airport instruments, we are still 5.25 inches off the annual average for this time of the rain year, which runs from October 1 through September 30th.


What's your take on the wet weather? Leave a comment and continue the conversation.

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